A Short Biography

Hi, my name is Angie Paola Cano. I was born in july 9 th of 1997. I am from Colombia. I am 12 years old .I study in “ENORSGED” high school. I am in 6 th grade. I have one brother and one sister. My brother is Carlos and my sister is Diana. Carlos is 27 years old and Diana is 30 years old. Carlos studies at the university of Medellín. My sister is a housewife. My parents are Albeiro and Nora. My father Works at the premises. My mother is a housewife. I live in the district “san Vicente” a town from San Jerónimo. .I live in big house. My house has five rooms and 4 batrooms. I get up at 6 in the morning, take a shower, have my breakfast ,and go to school. My favorite subjest are math and physical aducation. I have many friends but my best is Darsy. We always make homeworks at the house after school time. I like hamburger, and fruit salad. My favorite sport is baseball. In time favorite I read cartoons and I watch TV. On weekends I go to the church.

Hello, my name is Laura Maria Ortega Rico. I was born in October 2th of 1996. I am from Colombia. I am 12 years old. I study in (I.E.R.A.) High school. I have 1 brother and 1 sister. My brother is Marcel, he is 30 years old. He studies and works. My sister is Carolina, she is 26 years old. She studies English and Enterprise Administration. My parents are Hersilia and Eleazar. My father and my mother works as teachers. I have 1 hamster and its name is “cosito”, I love it so much. I live in a big house. My house has 3 rooms and 2 bathrooms, and a big garage. Everyday I get up at 5:30 in the morning. I take a shower, my breakfast and I go to school. My favorite subject is arts. I have many friends, I have 16 best friends. I like hamburger, pizza and fruit salad. My favorite tv program is “zoey 101”. I like watching tv. My favorite sport is volleyball. I take guitar classes on Tuesday and Thursday. In my free time play video games. On weekends, I watch my favorite tv program, I prepare my lessons for school and I have fun with my friends.

Hello, my name is Idier Carvajal, I was born in march 10th of 1995, i am from Colombia. I am 14 years old. I study in “i.e.r.a.” High school. I am 7th grade. I have two brothers. My brothers are Sebastian and Ihan Carlos. Sebastian is five years old and Ihan Carlos nine years old. They study at the “tomasa Mendez” of Colombia. My parents are Juan Carlos and Tomasa. My father works as housekeeper. My mother is housewife. I live in “san Geronimo ant.” In Colombia, I live in a big house. My house has five rooms and three bathrooms, a big garden and small garage. Everyday i shower, my breakfast and i go to school. My favorite subjects are math, and physical education. During the break i play “hide and seek”. With my friends. I have many friends, but my best friend is john. We always make the homework at the library after school time. I like pizza and spaghetti. My favorite TV program is “naruto”, “dragon ball z” and “the Simpsons”. I like to ride on bicycle. My favorite sport is the soccer. In my free time I read cartoons and play video games. On weekends, I watch my favorite TV program, i go to the church, and i prepare my lessons for school.

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